Sales professionals are made, not born – at least not born as a full grown, polished, successful salesman any more than an eagle is born ready to fly, or a lawyer, doctor or engineer is born ready to practice their trade.

Success in any skilled profession requires training – continual training, study and application, especially when your profession involves specialized knowledge or competitive skill. The sales profession involves both!

Tania is a master sales professional and sales trainer providing training and consulting services to clients globally. She has helped companies in technology, medical, advertising, [etc..] develop common sense answers and build habit patterns that allow you to practice uncommon skills and master everyday sales problems.

We deal with the entire buyer/seller process – from beginning to end. Tania’s 12-Step Stalwart Selling System™ has helped her clients increase their sales by up to 700% in a very short amount of time.

Qualifying skills – questioning skills – presentation design and development – phone skills – call center training – inbound/outbound call scripting – in-field training – social selling – networking skills – trade show training and development…

You need it? We teach itLet us help you develop, upgrade, or perfect your selling plan – and sell more in less time!

Call 612-927-2044 or contact us here to learn more.